[quote=Hank] Keep in mind you posted this roleplay in the Advanced section, EnsoNoctis. Bunnita looks decidedly way out of their league here. It's important to maintain semblance of standards on this site before it all goes to hell. [/quote] Wows. You're a big meanie, Hank. You are. Like okay I may not be the most serious RPer out there in OOC but I'm pretty decent IC. Sads. I was in a lot of other advanced RPs, but I guess I gets it now why peeps dun likes this bunny. My friend warned me about this site and the elitist jerks here. I'm nice. I'm full of energy, silliness and fun. I dint know this bunny was bringing down the standards of this site and helping it go to hells. Whatevs. I thinks I makes pretty interesting charries... [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/230348]This was muh charrie CeCi[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/801326]This is muh current charrie Diz.[/url] But k, I'mma drop my interest cuz I dun wanna ever RP with Hank the meanie. >:PPPPPPPP~~! MEANIE!!!!!!! ~Later!!~~ /BunnitaBiyatch!!!!