Jötz tried to appreciate the fact that the girl was at least [i]trying[/i] to make him feel better, although she really wasn't do all that great a job of it. Then again, how was she to know the importance of a Jaeger's hat? It conveyed status! Style! Station! The headgear of the Jaegers were trophies taken in battle, indicators not only of how important their foes were but of how good of a warrior each individual jaeger was. More importantly, behind each hat was a story. For a Jaeger, even those in the Baron's service, a hat was more than just something to keep the head warm and dry. And now here he had gone and lost his. Jötz knew he that perhaps he was not the greatest of the Jaegers, but he had earned his hat, dammit! To have gone and lost it... He pouted where he sat against the wall, elbows resting on his knees as he brooded. Ivy was saying something again, something about what she got from the toads. He sniffed. "Iz it a hat?" he moped out loud. Reluctantly, he rolled up onto his knees to get closer to her. It wasn't the girl's fault, he knew, so there was no point in being unpleasant to her despite his bad mood. Besides, while whatever she had in her hand couldn't have the promise of killing anyone in the immediate here and now, it was something covered in blood and gore. Therefore it couldn't be all bad. Not to mention that she had killed several of the toads creatures on her own, and in his mind it would be cruel to not allow her both the pride of kills and a trophy of some sort. After all, it was the duty to encourage the younger generations. Ivy's find had a curious smell to it as well, something that was vaguely familiar without being definite. His furry green brow furrowed, and his eyes squinted in the gloom to try and focus on her prize. His petulance was pushed aside for the moment to allow for curiosity. "Zo what chou got dere?"