Simon, Zarahk Grey took a deep breath of the morning air. So many many students. It's gaze slowly scanned the commons, filled to bursting with booths and stalls and so many many species. The clubs were out in full force to recruit new members. Grey chuckled, descending the steps of the main building to walk through the crowds. Minotaur barkers stood around the wrestling booth, where small skirmishes were being held. In the small ring, two Cyclops' squared off, not trying to win but trying to be as flashy as possible. Near them, Mermaids in swimsuits lounged around the swim team's booth, clearly riding on sex appeal to bring in new members. A kappa handed out flyers nearby as a loud crack rang out, turning heads to the Jousting Booth. A centaur took a heavy blow from a tiger hybrid, their lances ringing out above the hundreds of voices clammering for attention. A gargoyle swooped low, waving at Grey as it trailed a banner for the Astronomy club. Grey grinned, waving back, black eyes slowly sifting through the crowd for familiar faces. Banners of all sorts soared overhead, a brilliant clash of colors. Gardening, Flying, Theater, Fencing, it was boggling to the new students, their heads swiveling this way and that. Grey knew the feeling. Some of these young ones had never left their homes, or even seen creatures outside their own species, let alone this many in such a small space. Fear, excitement, joy, nervousness, confusion...the scents of so many emotions bombarded the Head of Ouroboros. He smiled, eager to meet new faces and reassure them with what he already knew. It would be one of the best years of their lives. ------------------------------------ KRACK! Simon jolted under the hit, hooves skittering to gain footing as he slid to a clumsy halt. Diana gracefully stopped herself at the opposing end, face hidden under the massive helmet. He knew, however, that she was smirking. He chuckled, voice echoing through the heavy helmet as he touched the massive dent she had left in his shield. "Since when is it common practice to put a lightweight offense against a heavyweight offense?" Diana pulled the helmet off, sliding one hand through her hair as beads of sweat rolled down her cheeks as she quirked a brow, face unreadable. "You volunteered for the first bouts to get attention. That paired you with me." "No one else would be so crazy..." "What?" "I said 'Oh right!'" Simon pulled his helmet off, hair a wild mess as always as he trotted to the side, grabbing his water bottle. Laying the lance in the rack, he watched Diana canter around, shouting to other members of the team to get in the makeshift ring. He walked to the side, leaning on the booth as his eyes roamed the crowds. They had a sizeable crowd watching their little bouts. Diana had managed to convince the academy to give them a double space to allow demonstrations of jousts. It was a clever tactic. But the angry glares from rival clubs suggested it had chafed a bit. Simon grinned, water bottle still between his teeth as he glanced around. Their location still wasn't prime...with the mermaids flaunting their bodies on one side and the ever popular art club on the other, he could tell they wouldn't have a particularly large influx of new members this year. And that made Diana over aggressive to the rest of the team, pushing them harder then normal. The centaur rolled his shoulder, the heavy plating of his uniform starting to wear on his muscles. Diana's voice rang out as two senior jousters took positions. "Simon! Where's Zarahk?" "Probably hitting on the mermaids?" "Find him! He's supposed to be handing out flyers!" Simon chuckled, opting to simply wear the jousting armor. With it's vibrant colors, worn out appearance, and the large team emblem on the shoulder, it would serve well as advertisement for the team as he searched for his friend. He gave a salute to Diana. "On it, Horny Spider Search Team is a go." The centaur trotted towards the swimming booth. Zarahk's habit of flirting with anything and anyone of the female gender made that the first obvious place to look. A loud crash resounded as Simon walked headlong into a pair of Sirens from Choir, tangling himself in quite a jumble. "Sorry! Sorry! Didn't see-OW-didn't see you guys!" "Dammit Cloudbrain! Ow! OW! GET OFF!" "Can't...hoof...under...butt-GAH! Okay, CRAMP CRAMP we're good!" He cantered off, humming loudly as the Sirens yelled a stream of insults at his back.