[URL=http://imgur.com/0A8DnOu][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/0A8DnOu.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Meet Camilla. Former scourge of the West. She managed to discover a secret to prevent her body from aging into a decrepit state. She led an army of skeletons, ghouls and necromantic horrors. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for the countryside, a daring hero put a strange green substance into her brew of immortality. After Camilla drank for the cauldron, she was physically superior than before. She noticed, however, that her memory began to fail. She began to act senile, and her empire was defeated easily without her leadership or control over minions. Her legend became nothing but a comical fairy tale, and as the years passed she began to be seen as a harmless, but maybe occasionally annoying pest, rather than a lethal horror she used to be. She doesn't remember the vast majority of her extremely potent spells. She still knows how to make effective potions, and a few spells useful immediate use. Bandits once attacked her houseand attempted to kill her. She briefly remembered some of the spells she used to wield and scared the bandit horde to death, almost literally. She had one of them at her mercy with a dagger to his throat. She suddenly remembered she was making dinner and turned her back on him. As the criminal was about to stab her in the back, she turned around with a tray of cookies and bumped hard into him as she tried to offer him one. He fell back and bashed his head hard on the master work furniture, knocking him senseless. When he came to, he had bad amnesia, and his wits were much less sharp than before. She has been taking care of Tom ever since the incident and he has been some sort of a dim witted body guard and house servant ever since. [B]Name: Camilla Rose[/B] [B]Age: Unknown[/B]. Looks around 60 years old or late 50's. At least thirteen centuries old, and probably more than that. [B]Description:[/B] A sort of powerful witch. She's senile, and sometimes more likely to offer the enemy cookies, cake, and tea with the latest gossip than to fry them to a crisp with a fire ball. She's technically extremely intelligent, but with her senility it's impossible to tell when she'll be effectively competent in her contribution to Dark Lord Steve's cause of evil. She really only joined so she could open up a kitchen in the Dark Tower. [B]History:[/B] As above. [B]Alignment:[/B] Formerly Neutral Evil, currently Lawful Neutral. [B]Anything you would like to add: [/B] She's likely to occasionally remember certain spells, and maybe even start acting less senile, but it's unlikely she'll ever be completely normal, unless the plot demands it. Head trauma may occasionally unlock certain memories every now and then, and her constant brewing and cooking may occasionally allow her to cast a more powerful spell than usual every now and then. However, because she is constantly unable to remember her former glory as a witch, she might only be able to cast a really powerful spell once, twice, or perhaps three times at absolute best. In her old days, she had enslaved ten families of dragons. (Mother, Father, and son/daughter), began conquering the world, easily raising an army of thousands upon thousands of goblins, slaying an Archmage in a magical duel, conquering the world's equal to Camelot, and even defeating the world's version of France, Scandinavia, Germany, Spain and the rest of Brittain, and Ireland in a great war. Finally a party of ten adventurers infiltrated the heart of her territory and their experienced thief and rogue, Dentin, contaminated her cauldron with the substance that is still responsible for Camilla's senility.