The doctor was running around the Tardis, the alarms going off and jerking the ship as he tripped and landed on the controls. "Why must you always do this! I just wanted to go to..." The Tardis landed and he fell to the ground, sighing. "You always make things interesting..." He jumped up and looked at the screens, seeing why the alarms were going on. "My my...this is not right. Looks like something is somewhere its not suppose to be..." He grabbed his jacket and snapped his fingers, the doors opening and he ran out. He looked around, seeing tall old buildings and blue skies. "Earth! I love Earth! And London too...what a treat. Well, apart from something wrong..." He pulled out his prized tool, his sonic screwdriver. He turned it on and waited for it to tell him where to go, then went running randomly towards one of the bigger buildings and inside when suddenly his screwdriver stopped beeping, making him stop and shake it. "What? Not my screwdriver...come on buddy...I need you right..." Suddenly something hit him from behind and he caught himself and turned around to see a lovely young lady on the ground, looking scared to death. He blinked and said "I am the Doctor. And who might you be?" He knelt down and held out his hand to her, looking worried and concerned. "What's got you so worked up, Ms.?" A dark haired woman sat in the café in London, her dark shades covering her bright silver eyes. Her watch beeped and she looked at it and said "Hmm...looks like I have a case..." She stood up and shook her hair out, looking around then headed down the street. She pulled out her phone, which was really her scanner and it pointed her south. "Looks like its back to work..."