Adomorn sat at his seat, his chin leaning against his fist as he listened to the conversations, blue eyes scanning across the table at each persons expression. There were many ideas being made. His eyes rested on Zokura. She was the princess of this kingdom and she herself must have been feeling very nervous about the whole unknown situation, yet she did well at keeping calm in front of the others. [i]"I would also ask for Ser Zion and Adomorn to scour for any piece of information that may relate to this. Even legends, which are mainly the works of Legendaries, may be of use."[/i] Adomorn nodded in agreement and shifted in his position, sitting properly while his eyes went to Zion. 'That would be quite wise. But there is only so much that my own library could hold. There should be more information in the catacombs, possibly.' He thought as Ana began to talk about her plan. The blonde blinked back to reality when Zoroark flicked the male with the end of it's ponytail. Looking over to Zoroark he noticed a certain look in it's eyes that made the Guard very curious as to what the pokemon might be thinking. Than teal eyes met blue and Adomorn understood what Zoroark wanted. After Zion asked his question Adomorn spoke up, respectfully bowing his head to the royal adviser. "If I may, a birds eye view might also be useful. [u]Talonflame and Staraptor[/u] could examine from a safe distance overhead, along with Zoroark who is willing to be dropped on the ground to perform a recon. We should at least have an idea who our enemy is. If it is other humans who are planning an attack, or a pokemon, Zoroark could create an illusion to confuse the opponent. But [u]Chau[/u] I leave that up to you to decide. I will do all that I can do in getting the information that is needed. Maybe a similar pattern as this, I have started research all ready and I will continue my search into the catacombs for more information that lies there." He bowed his head again and than looked to Zoroark who seemed content and nodded as well, arms crossed. Though the pokemon could poke fun and play tricks, Zoroark knew when it was time to be serious, and this unknown darkness made that mischievous chuckle vanish. [centre]☾◯☽[/centre] As Adelaide smiled sheepishly to her brother she continued to lovingly pet Raikou as he mind sped with her thoughts about what was going on with the horizon. It still left a haunting feeling in the pit of her stomach. Looking to [u]Chau[/u], she watched the man go to the door and signal it to close. Secretly, Adelaide had always found the Head of the Guards to very handsome, and for the longest the only one who knew aside from her was Raikou. This was until [u]Alexander[/u] found her one day gazing at the male when she was the tender age of 14 and beginning to find others of the opposite gender attractive. From there it wasn't long till [u]Zokura[/u]. Luckily her parents did not know, and if they did they made it appear they had no knowledge of it. When he was returning and indicated to fix her hair she did as he said and, embarrassed, twisted her long curly hair to one side. It was when her sister spoke did she stop her finger fumbling and pay attention. Adelaide thought her sister was the ideal ruler or Urael, Adelaide could never see herself on the thrown ruling this beautiful kingdom. No, it was [u]Zokura[/u] who had the air, the look, the speech and the pride of a ruler like her mother and father. With that said, it made Adelaide feel the pressure of what was happening. Her sister had saw the darkness as well and called the meeting. [i]"Adelaide, I ask that you no longer leave the immediate kingdom. Even the farthest of the farmer's fields is too far for you to stray until this issue has been addressed properly. Raiku, for her safety, for your own, and for my sanity, I ask you to enforce this request."[/i] The tiger-like pokemon nodded, red eyes closing as he bowed his head to the ruler of the kingdom. He knew though that his own mistress would not take so kindly to the idea, but that would only mean he would have to be stern with where they went, especially with this unknown force about. When Raikou stood straight again Adelaide had moved her hand away from her petting and placed them on her lap. The big blue eyed princess bit her lip and kept her eyes down and focused on the embroidery on the skirt of her dress. She did want to just stay by the castle, and with Zokura's request she knew Raikou would follow it no matter how many times she begged. Of course she would still go out no matter what, but it was the thought of her freedom being held at a taunt leash. She was angry not so much at her sister, but at the whole situation, at the darkness that appeared. As the meeting continued, the guards conversing with on another, she relaxed only slightly. Raikou saw this and placed his massive head on her lap. She relented and continued his petting listening to each guard. Even she had an idea, but that she would keep to herself. She was curious about what was out there. Unfortunately, Adelaide had no idea of the saying, "Curiosity killed the Skitty"