Just so you know Platinum, you can make the move action and whatever else you want that unit to do be all on one line, as shown in the update below. If doing it your way is easier for you to organize your thoughts and strategy though, that's fine too. [u]Olstead vs PlatinumSkink[/u] [i]Rout the Enemy on Crypt[/i] [hider=Info] [b]Turn 5: PlatinumSkink's Phase[/b] Ayuna Move (-3, 0), Pair with Naiyo (+1, 0) Naiyo Move (+2, 0), Engage Dain with Bronze Axe (+1, 0) [hider2=Engagement] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/rolls34.png] [u]Exp[/u] Naiyo +11 = 42/99 Dain +11 = 44/99 [u]Support[/u] Naiyo/Ayuna +6 = 8/27 Dain/Iris +6 = 18/27[/hider2] [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/olsted28.png] [/hider] [u]Freeshooter92, MercuryHg34 and Big Al Jefferson vs Risen Army[/u] [i]Risen on Temple[/i] [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmvyDLWGA9fIdHphbDFGNWFIdnVsUHhjOUtKdXFrWHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0]Risen Army[/url] [hider=Info] [b]Turn 1: Player Phase[/b] Lord Grant: Move (-2, +3) Shaman Varyn: Move (-1, -4) Cleric Izabel: Move (-2, +3) Myrmidon Morun: Move (-3, +2) Knight Sotia: Move (-3, +1) Cavalier Lorafe: Move (0, -7) [i]Reinforcements:[/i] 4 Turns [i]Bridges:[/i] 3 Turns [img=http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/18/68/00/63/fs92_m12.png] [/hider]