"Call me Todd. Everyone else does. As for the baton... call it military service privilege. The folks in camo tend to get nice perks." Joe knew he had to draw the woman's attention away from the fact that he was using the women's restroom as a home base. "Sweet camera. Digital?" She seemed to be relatively harmless at the moment, but all the same, Joe remembered his bartitsu experience and steeled himself, just in case. It was, however, a good sign that the woman didn't open the door for everyone. "Keep that locked, by the way", he reminded her. He set his bag on the floor and pulled out four protein bars and two bottles of water and set them on the counter. Then, he plugged all ten sinks and filled them up with hot water, not knowing how long he would be stuck there. He also drew out a AA battery Maglite, in case the power shut off too. Then, he set his own camera bag on the counter and unzipped it. Inside were two cameras, and six batteries for the digital one. The two cameras came out next, going onto the counter as well, a Sony Alpha 77, and a Nikon FM-10. Nine rolls of film, all in their canisters were the last item on his unpacking agenda. He laid a jacket on the floor, then rolled it up, and laid his head head on it, lying on his back, getting comfortable. He obviously expected to be here for a while. "So", he started, "what do you call yourself? I keep referring to you as 'That Woman' in my head, but I'd prefer a real name."