Kyle smiled and pulled out a stack of flyers flashing a wink he said " Well gang leaders a few merchants and some aristo's " Kyle laid out stacks of each class of person. It had a drawing of the person along with a brief distinction along with mode of assassination. And in bold on the bottom was the price on there head. " pick your poison " Kyle rummaged threw the bar taking out a bottle of spiced rum pouring himself a bit in a glass tumbler. Taking a swallow he pointed to the gang leaders pile. " Gang lords are a dime a dozen, and normally the contract does not care how they die" . Another swallow and Kyle pulled out a tin of tobacco and a piece of paper rolling it into a cigarette Kyle lit it off a tapered candle puffing he pointed to the merchants pile "Merchants are a bit more picky on the mode of death but there is more coin and half up front " Kyle exhaled a cloud of smoke blowing a ring. "Last Nobs they are normally poisoning or sneaking in and cutting throats in there sleep. But if you need a lot of coin quickly this is the job you take. Though you normally will be fighting some of there guards. Though there is a sign on payment" Kyle smiled he touched his powers dimming all the lights in the room to the point that they only cast light a few inches around them. Kyle's eyes adjusted the dark never affected his eyes if there was any light even a little he could see. "More comfortable ? " Kyle asked taking a drag on his cigarette blowing the smoke out of his nose. Kyle's long hair was held in place by a strip of leather, Kyle was not tall only five foot seven, average size for most men. His dark gray eyes where steel. He wore boiled leather with plate over his vitals. A short sword strapped horizontally across his back. His vest exposed the scars down his arms from the fights and jobs along with his guild tattoo on his forearm. He was lean from fighting and body conditioning, taking another drink he watched his gust.