Oddly enough, the earthen beast let her stand. For all it'stalk of neutrality and balance, it was the same as any lesser elemental on her home realm... generally dim-witted and of simple yet unrealistic ideals. That aside, Ysolda was not one to break her word, no matter who it was to. As a Solar, doing so could have more real effects than her simply feeling bad about it. Ah, the 'Great Curse", as it was called. Handed down by the primordials as they were defeated. Another story for another time, perhaps. Dusting herself off, she would look around for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. [B]"Well. Being hurled such a distance and tossed around like a child's toy seems to have rattled my sense of direction."[/B] Sure, the big open hole in the sky above them, caused by the nuclear explosion, showed her the general direction she needed to go... but this thing was an earth elemental, and would know the exact spot she needed. [B]"Take me to the center point of the conflict. Not of the final explosion... but of the conflict itself."[/B] Likely, the creature would wonder or even ASK why. As such, Ysolda continued to speak. [B]"I must convene with the energy of the planet, and meditate on the state it was in before witnessing so much death. It will take a day at least."[/B] She couldn't restore the lives of the sentient beings that were dead. But the energies of the land could be cleansed, any creatures of darkness that began moving in would find no purchase on the purified and restored land, and even crops would find it easier to grow. The magical prowess of a Solar Exalt was truly a wonderful thing. Just as capable of saving a life as it was of snuffing it out like so much devilweed. [B]"If that is not what you expected, I must apologize. However, the conflict left me rather drained of my power."[/B] said the woman as she simply stared off toward the scarred landscape near where the large warstrider had been earlier in the day.