Sometimes, we find ourselves caring about the people we thought we never would. Those we saw as "too strange" or "too different". (Your Character) is the daughter of a businessman, owner of a famous local chain of stores. Her abusive mother and father are both highly religious, and view homosexuality as a sin. She's always been told that if she even spoke to anybody who was "against god's word and ideals", she'd be in serious trouble. As such, she goes as far as bullying and tormenting (my male), despite how much it hurts her to do so. She is in a relationship, which she keeps hidden from her friends and family, not wanting anybody to tell her family or friends, much to her girlfriend's dislike. When her parents find out she's been dating the girl, they become enraged, "beating the gay" out of her, and telling her if she EVER kisses a girl again, she is going to be disowned by them. As such, and with much regret, she ends the relationship. (My Character) is an openly gay male. Comfortable with his sexuality, and in a "happy relationship", he had troubles with (your character.) They went to the same high school, but never interacted, aside from her bullying of him, due to her parent's beliefs. He ends up at the same college as her, and, frightened of how she'll treat him here, avoids her. He becomes more withdrawn and timid, but wanting to be near anybody if he can avoid it. As such, he starts skipping lessons, staying in the house he and his boyfriend share. Wanting to make ammends, she heads to the house, hearing screams of pain and terror, shouts of anger on arrival. She forces her way into the apartment, discovering (My male) being abused and attacked by his "boyfriend". Something inside her snaps, and she fights off the abuser, getting the injured man out, and into her car, and to safety.. And that's all I have for background. I figured we could make a plot together, prehaps having the two abused characters bond, and grow to be like brother and sister, looking after, protecting and defending eachother, as well as (your female) getting back with her ex-girlfriend over time. -Sam