[b]It took all of Rose's power not to bitterly lash out at Fenrir at his comment, staying completely still in her little for a bit longer. If there was one thing her red cape was amazing at, it was blocking out the harsh cold wind. If she lifted her face now, her cheek would freeze. Gently dabbing her skin with her sleeve, Rose finally looked up at her guest, no her [i]husband[/i], her cheeks still red & her eyes a little watery. Other than the blow her heart had suffered & a little bit of smuggled make-up, she should honestly be fine. But Fenrir wasn't going to know that yet. "I had a suitor," the young woman told Fenrir, "He was one week away from asking Granny for my hand. & I, I think I may have loved him. I will have to be able to at least apologize to him." Bracing her hands on the freezing snow, Rose pushed herself off of the ground a bit drunkenly & then hugged her cape against her body again. She was within arms length of Fenrir now, & she could already feel his body heat & catch the scent of his eternal smell of the forest. Damn it, why was he so inviting to her? "I don't want to have sex with you for at least a year," Rose continued bluntly, "Y-you have to at least court me properly if we are going to make anything work. & I don't want you to ever lie to me, even when it's to spare my feelings." Rose was being pretty unladylike & selfish with her demands, but honestly,what did a wolf care for ladylike behavior? He'd married her before she would even be able to understand the concept of marriage, so in her opinion, she was allowed to be a little selfish & immature. "Lastly, don't ever try to buy me with your money," Rose finished her list of demands, her voice shaking a little, "If you can do those things for me... I w-will try to forgive you." On unsteady feet, Rose finally closed the gap between her & Fenrir, burying her face into his warm, leather-clad shoulder. She couldn't bring herself to wrap her arms around him in a real hug yet,both from her standoffish attitude & the increasing cold of the night. Hopefully, her husband would be hind enough to accept her conditions & they could start getting along... eventually. [/b]