The sound of music filled the air as dusk was approaching. Just as every other day the moment Kaya was finished with her farming chores she would be outside practicing with her mentor. Aeden. The sound of her flute melted beautifully with the magnificent sounds that Aeden would produce on his lute. Even though the young girl played every note right it still felt to her as it was a little bit off. Just not as beautiful as the half-elf's music. Aeden looked up to his student and spoke on a solid tone. "Stop. You're doing it wrong. Don't recite the notes from your brain. Music doesn't work like that. Feel them in your hearth. Connect to your inner emotions and express them through the sound of your music. Only then your music will be convincing." The young girl listened carefully to the lecture her mentor was giving. It was not the first time that she heard this particularly lecture. Kaya was just glad that they weren’t playing a sad song. The last time Aeden forced her to play the same song over and over again until it would made him cry. Read your audiences emotions and synchronize your own to them. Then express it through the music you’re playing and you’d win them over in just one song. That would be the next sentence the half-elf would say. Easier said than done. As Kaya was about to play again the song was interrupted by the sound of the alarm bells ringing. Kaya looked up from her studies and smiled. It was a long time ago that she heard the town bells. Something interesting was about to happen and she would not want to miss a minute of it. “Let’s go Aeden, something is happening which makes excellent song material.” As the young girl was about to rush off towards the city center Aeden interfered. The strong hand of the minstrel grabbed the girl by her collar and pulled her back. With a firm look on his Aeden looked at his apprentice and raised his voice. “Didn’t they teach children to hide when the alarm bells ring? Don’t go throw away my teachings by rushing into danger. I didn’t spend four years of my life teaching you so that you could go and get yourself killed!” The sudden outburst of the half-elf caught Kaya by surprise. She knew the man was right and that she had no place on a battlefield but still. Everything was better than the boring village life. “Please let me go master. I want to witness what is happening and sing about it when it’s over. Isn’t that what a minstrel is all about?” Pleading was definitely worth a try but Aeden was immune to puppy eyes and pleas of his young student. The half elf sighed and grabbed his lute and started to play. Once more his beautiful music filled the air as villagers where running around to find themselves a hiding spot. Kaya wanted to say something about why the man suddenly started to play but then she recognized the song, a lullaby. The next moment she was fast asleep. As the half-elf carried his apprentice back to her home he wondered what to do. It was the wind that brought him here and considering the circumstances the alarm bell was probably his cue to drift off again. Aeden dropped the girl off in shelter Kaya’s father had dug under an abandoned shack near their house and left. There is an east wind blowing and Aeden preferred not to get caught up in it.