Iris listened to his response to her questions. She was actually content with them and thought about her response and she kicked the broken stick out of the way. "You know i'll be honest. That was probably the best answer anyone's given me the past few days. Let's waste no time in getting this started." She walked over to her magical box of training wepons and peered inside. She paused and thought about using something different. She moved to a closet that was on the left sode of the room and went in, returning with two giant sticks that resembled Q-tips. "It's been a while since i used these babies." she said, easily tossing him one. "She spun it in her hands a few times to get a feel fot it. Then she looked at Willem. "You told me you were creative. I happen to like that in a person. So, i'll tell you what, lets get creative and use these. Their slightly heavier than the ones you just saw me use, and their purpose is to throw you off balance. That being said, four strikes or knocking me off my feet marks a win for you and then you can head of to simulation. We waste no time here and if all goes well for you, you'll be assigned your Jaeger by the end of the day. Sound good to you?" she didnt wait for him to respond really, before she took her battle stance. "Ladies first." she said gesturing for him to move. She had said it playfully, showing Willem that she was just kidding around. --- Mako got a message through her earpiece that another candidate had arrived at the Shatterdome. She was interested in seeing who it was but was tasked with showing Emmet to his Jaeger. she quietly spoke asking if Raleigh could get him and show him around for her and he accepted it. "Leo Renton is his name. He will likely be waiting at the entrance. Take the elevator up and you might find him there." "Alright. I sent Iris another just now. Shouldn't be too long before she's done." "Okay. Thank you." she answered him and turned off her ear piece.