Kyle smiled and swept the coins up off the bar. She was grossly over paying but than again he would not complain. "Good Hunting" Kyle said as he closed up the bar. Looking at the clockwork timer saying it was almost three in the morning. He got to his feet moving to the rooms upstairs and to his room. He opened the hidden wall showing a nook .He Took out his mask of the demon's head and slipped it on. Than next came a gray hood that hid is hair.Bracers went on his arms. Covering the the scars, next he slit on a pair of leather gloves. Flexing his hand to make sure he could move it and the leather was not to stiff. Next poison pouch on his belt along with a \few more daggers. Kyle burst out of the top of the Tavern and threw his shutters taking to the night. He planted his hands like he was on a vaulting horse to leap over things in his way. Slid on his knee in other spots where the roof top overlapped to much. He jumped across the street tapping his power and drawing on the ether to give him more speed. Jumping thirty feet Kyle smiled under his steel mask he was in his element. Than things went tit's up, Kyle heard the tell tail twang of a long bow's string. Instinct along with long training took hold. Turning so the shaft hit the plate on his leather kyle spotted the man. Dashing forward before he could get another arrow on his string Kyle hoped to close the distance. Kyle was not fast enough and the shaft took him high in the arm. Than in a blur another arrow and this time it curved to hit Kyle . "Shit..." Kyle swore as he pulled hard on his power. Lifting his hand shadows writhing out slashing the arrow in two. Kyle gritted his teeth as he pulled that hard on his power. His whole good arm hurt with muscle serine. For making shadows effect anything would whiplash back on the caster. It was a tricky bit of magic to pull off on the fly like Kyle just did, but hundreds of hours of training had went into doing that trick. Kyle drew a dagger and threw it took the man in the eye and he fell to the roof and slid down to the street.