Raen looked on at the scene before him, the gathering of other prisoners that the wizard had captured. Seemed like an interesting collection, mortals of all sorts unwillingly gathered in a dungeon. He took a quick look around to notice all he needed for this try, since they had a mage of time. Said mage had gone and opened the door to what he could tell was one of the dungeon's monstrous wardens. This creature was indeed tall and dangerous, with that bloodied axe in hand and the other was clawed. Seeing the smirk on the time magus face, she was enjoying this. Reacting to the downward swing, he swiftly moved to the side and hit the wall. Only if he had his sword, then he could easily fight this creature or his ring... his ring that helped him focus his flames... that was it, he could tap into the power of his fire magic. The only problem was that without his ring he couldn't control the flames and would cause an explosion. However, he needed to take the risk if they were to damage the beast. As lavender flames began to dance around his hands, Raen just glanced at his enemy and waited to strike.