A Yu-Gi-Oh! RP. That's actually Yu-Gi-Oh!...well...actually more of a fan-RP, but whatever. This RP features a couple of new game mechanics, and a new storyline in a familiar setting. Everyone remembers Domino from the original series and from 5D's? Well, it's making a return, now with even more advanced technology than in 5D's. 0.0 Got your attention, yet? If you're reading this part, I'd guess I do, so on to describing stuff! Firstly, I should explain the new mechanic: Ignis Summoning. This is a method of Summoning similar to Synchro Summoning (meaning even more for the Extra Deck), but instead of using Levels, it focuses on adding up ATK and/or DEF. Example: Volspire Dragon (ATK/3000; DEF/2300; Summoning conditions: 2 or more monsters (ATK)). In other words, in order to Summon Volspire Dragon, I'd have to have two or more monsters on my field whose total ATK add up to exactly 3000 (Volspire's original ATK). This requires nothing special like Tuners or anything. So a Twin-Headed Behemoth and a Divine Dragon Ragnarok (Both of which have 1500 original ATK) would suffice to summon this 3000 point Dragon. Then there's Mono-Tuning/Mono-Synchro. This is basically a Synchro Summon in which the Tuner Monster is the only Synchro Material, either due to the summoning conditions of the Synchro Monster, or the effect of the Tuner Monster. Due to newly implemented mechanics, this RP will allow for the players to invent their own cards. All I ask for is a small sample of the character's deck to be PM'd to me so that I know players will create fair cards. This should include at least one of every kind of card that the character has. As far as Character Sheets, it's really simple because I don't care about them much. I'm more interested in seeing how much you can flesh out your character IC. They make me want to barf right now; too much work. Just give me a name, short bio (really, this can be super short), description of appearance (or a picture), style of deck, short description of duel runner/board, if applicable, and style of duel disk. As I said, I want this to mostly be fleshed out IC, so I'm not too concerned. You DO NOT have to write out a personality. That's my least favorite part of the CS to write, because honestly, you're going to show exactly what it's like IC, so what's the point? Anyway, just make it short, sweet, and to the point, then bring on the big guns when you're accepted into the IC stuff. RP Background Stuff: Firstly, we're leaving the setting of ZEXAL behind and returning to New Domino, as mentioned earlier. The first story arc, called the Satellite Circuit Arc, describes the rise of Ysabel Eon (our equivalent of Yugi/Yusei/Jaden/Yuma, and played by Raddum) from the northeast slums of New Domino in a district commonly called Rat's Nest, to a professional dueling career, potentially even including a long-overdue grudge match with the current New Domino King of Games, Valin Rotor (our equivalent of Kaiba/Jack/Zane/Kite, and played by yours truly). What is the Rat's Nest? The most vile place in New Domino, even worse than Satellite before its reconstruction, and it keeps getting worse. After the Earthbound Immortals descended on New Domino, this area remained untouched by reconstruction efforts due to the vast expenses it posed. It had nearly been leveled. So it was left alone by the reconstruction effort. Big mistake. Gangs and all sorts of vile persons made their way to the area, and many refugees, orphans, and other victims of misfortune were swept into the slum involuntarily. Some turned to the dark activities, but others, who tried to stay away from the evil, became victims in even worse ways than before. Sector Security became nearly powerless to cease the plague of immorality, and it was eventually abandoned to continue its fall. This dark area is where the story begins, where Ysabel and her small band of friends are some of the last few moral people to exist in Rat's Nest, all but powerless to escape the range of immorality. Well, I think that covers it for story. Just understand that even though this is starting out in a place that is filled with what would commonly be called evil, it will only have a [i]slightly[/i] more mature theme to it than the anime, and only because of its setting. No outright descriptions of sex/rape, drug use, blood and gore, or anything else of a mature nature like that. Feel free to post CS's either here or in the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/992/posts/ooc]OOC Stuff[/url]. I posted most of this over in the OOC a couple of posts down. Really and truthfully, I'm not going to be harsh about anything except making sure that invented cards are fair. Speaking of fair, I will allow each player ONE COPY of ONE BANNED CARD. That means if you pick Monster Reborn, you get ONE copy of that card in your deck, and you can't pick Premature Burial as well. For this RP, we will be using the whatever ban-list is most recent, and I reserve the right to add any invented cards to the ban-list that I feel are unfair. The most recent ban/limited list can always be found [url=http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/]here[/url], and I'll try to keep it posted in the OOC as well. One last thing and I promise I'll be done. Duels in this RP will be similar to the anime in the aspect of players, during Duels, begin with 4000 Life Points. And that, my friends, is all I can think of right now. Any other questions, just let me know, and I'll answer them the best I know how.