I'm glad to see all of you are coming along well swimmingly in our RP. I hope to see this continue on. Unfortunately for myself, some major IRL issues have cropped up and ... after thinking about writing and roleplaying long and hard, I realized I do not have the time, let alone the enthusiasm to write well. So I am stepping down as GM and exiting the RP. I know many of you were looking forward to RPing me and I can assure you the feeling was ([i]is[/i] still, actually) mutual. I've saved all of my documents in a cloud storage and, well... once things have calmed down and such, I plan to return and make do with what has progressed. I still plan to keep in contact with some of our mates here via email so I won't be [b]completely[/b] gone. So, in other words, if my knowledge or assistance can be helpful here, please ask Yoshua, Celaira, or Synthorian to email me with your request and I'll get back to you when I can. Write well, mates. [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqrht6NxMW1r1bjowo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Until the Next[/b], [i]Mikael[/i]