Sheer surprise spread across of the face of Olivia as she stared up at the man. He was polite enough to offer her his hand and introduced himself as a doctor. It’s always funny how people who earn the titles would rather be called Doctor than anything else. She took his hand and, with his help, got to her feet with shaky knees. “Olivia…” She said, her voice still shaking as she regained herself. “Olivia Watson.” Upon him asking what had gotten her so worked up she let go of his hand and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. “Well, I… uh… saw something in the… in the… artifacts room.” As one would expect, she was having trouble keeping her sentence together, her attention kept going backwards towards the direction she came, she couldn’t just leave those things in there, but she wouldn’t dare go back alone. Then an idea stuck her. “Come with me, I need to know if I’m crazy or not.” With that she grabbed the man’s hand and took off back down from where she had come from. The arrival to the great oak doors pulled the two to a stop. Olivia took a deep breath and turned to the tall man. “Look, I might be crazy from over-studying but I think there’s something… odd, behind the door. Not odd as in an artifact that bothered me but odd as in… well, something strange.” With that, she gave the Doctor a small nod before reaching out and opening the door slowly. She stopped allowing just a crack to expose the room as she glanced inside. The alien creatures were standing in the middle of the room talking in some form of hissing communications. Was she seeing things? Or were those things really… actually there?! Her attention slowly moved as she awaited the man to look inside. His facial expression would tell her the answer she wanted to know. Was she truly crazy?