Blaire scoffed. "Och aye? Seems like a lovely idea to start shootin' in the presence o' Hunters! They'll flock to us like bears to a pot o' honey. And once they find the silver bullets, there's gonna be questions, isn't there? The hunters are in the main tent, I think, and if they're in there and we're in here than this place is prob'ly a wee bit smaller than the main tent. On top o' that, he doesnae have any targets." She tossed the dagger in the air idly, glaring down Rosalind with one of those irritatingly smug looks on her face. "Ye dinnae have to ask again because I bet the answer will be 'no' until the Hunters go an' shove off. But, seein' as though ye seem to be second in command around 'ere, I bet ye already thought about that." she finished sarcastically.