Atrus had spent the day in the teachings of Old Autry, he never minded to go out and learn more about alchemy, but as he saw it, it was unfortunate that it wasn't the only thing he had to learn. He needed to put other skills in to Alchemy, such as reading and writing. He was glad he obtained those skills from his mother almost from birth, and was also glad he has such a great master to teach him more. Autry always cared for him and her other apprentice, which was probably the most contact he had with anyone not blood related unless it was out as an errand boy by his mother. Autry seemed like a second mother in that sort of way, as he had taken notice of how she cared for both him and Brisa as if they were her children, or grandchildren, or whatever they would be identified as with her age. Atrus was just finishing up sweeping the ground for the night because he had attempted to create a potion that wasn't all successful. The contents had spilled all over the ground and it was his duty to clean it up because he made the mess. He never minded things like this, cleaning up after himself and his mistakes, and he was it that ever mistake made him a better alchemist than every success. He saw a lot of things differently in that way, always seeing that you'd learn more from when you messed up.