[u]Maeve[/u] [i]Thud[/i] Maeve went skipping across the desert, having just recieved a backhand from her Golem that left her bruised and bloodied. Sitting up, she smiled, spitting out a stream of blood. Her nose was broken and bloody, her face a mess of bruises already darkening, there was a bone sticking out of her leg, and at least one rib was broken. The broken bones she fixed immediately, but not painlessly, causing her to let out an involuntary scream. It hurt on several levels she hadn't known previously existed. She got to her feet as the Golem slowly made it's way towards her, intent upon finishing the job it had started. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy killing you." She declared, eyes bright with excitement. There was a loud boom, and she looked over to see one of the last golems exploding in icy shards. It gave her an idea. She grinned, revealing a freshly empty tooth place in her gumline, and freshly bloodstained teeth. Walking slowly (more because she hurt to much to run unless necessary than for effect) towards her opponent, she asked it, "If Ice works against your kind, why not fire?" Naturally, it didn't respond, but she didn't need it to. It took one more thunderous step, and she was gone, teleported onto it's shoulder. "Break." She stomped her foot, and it's left arm fell off. A quick teleport later, and she repeated the process. Experience had told her that she didn't have much time before the arms were back in useful action, so she moved as fast as her battered body would allow her. Another teleport, and she was floating above it's head. Her eyes practically glowed with anticipation. She muttered a phrase in Welsh, and the jewel on her neck shone so bright it was blinding. Then she screamed. Rather than her normal level three scream, however, this one was a bit more...heated. Maeve ignited the soundwaves to a level hot enough to melt the stone construct. The desert was illuminated for miles as waves of fire rolled over the golem and kept going. There were loud [i]pops[/i], as some parts of the stone the golem was made out of exploded rather than melted. Seveal moments passed before Maeve stopped, sucking in a great breath. The Golem was only half melted, falling apart even as it tried to pick itself up, huge bits of magma falling off of it. Then, all sight was blocked as Maeve screamed again. It took two more breaths before the golem was dead, nothing more then a large pile of glowing hot magma. Maeve stood a good distance away from it, panting. She was exhausted, battered, and probably only three minutes from collapsing. "By the Celtic Gods that was fun!" She crowed, her voice still amplified to a dangerous level by her Collar, grinning. Then, she looked up. The Beacon. She had forgotten that, in all the excitement. Before anyone else could react, a pillar of stone carried her to it. Quickly, she grabbed it, and was immediately paralyzed. Then all hell broke loose.