Boo! I arranged for him to be a high tier. We can start whenever you make the thread. [hider=Brysen Gray] [b]Name:[/b] Brysen Gray [b]Alias:[/b] The Laughing Man [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance: [/b] Brysen Gray is 5’ 5’’ tall and weighs 148lbs. He appears as an athletic black-haired, brown-eyed, baby-faced man with a regular taper haircut. He wears a black slim fit wool cashmere suit, black tie, white dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He is the epitome of the young working class businessman. In his crime fighting person, The Laughing Man, Brysen wears an oilskin pure white raincoat, white latex pants, white rain boots, white latex gloves, and a blank white mask. Four large buttons tuck in his raincoat at the midsection with wolf fur outlining the base of the hood. [b]Social Status: [/b]Administrative Assistant. Crime Fighter. Hero of Justice. [b]Relations:[/b] Rachel Gray (Sister), Judgement(Vigilante/Partner) [b]General Activity:[/b] Brysen works as an administrative assistant, filing police reports, directing phone calls, answering administrative questions, and contacting important figures for the central police station. He has been employed for nearly four years and works under the current police chief of district 13 in downtown Kenan. He often spends the day filing paperwork and processing the tasks force’s financial expenses. It is a very routine schedule that begins at 6:00am and ends at 5:00pm with breaks at 11:30am for lunch. At night, Brysen patrols the streets as an masked vigilante known as “The Laughing Man”. His nocturnal activities consist of information trading, money transactions, and protection schemes. He offers protection for criminals wanting to get out of the business and uses information he has gathered to blackmail their employees into submission. It is a known fact that he has incriminating evidence on several high ranking officials, but his existence has been for the most part a benign deterrent in the internal politics of the city against power hungry individuals. [b]Abilities:[/b] [Power] Esper An esper is a rare human that manipulates their internal essences using their mind instead of spells, writings, and incantations and mixes it with the essences in their surroundings. This differs from the traditional use of magic in that the core of an espers ability to manipulate their internal essences resides completely in their brain. The most shocking example of this difference is that an esper even when decapitated would be still be able to manipulate their internal essences for the few seconds that their brain remains functional. William Penfield, a prominent scientist in the study of human anatomy and magic, has explained it as the physical manifestation of the man’s desire to change his surroundings. Scientifically, it is the process of influencing the Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Mechanics to bring about changes into the real world by using one’s bioelectrical activity to affect events happening at the nanoscopic scale. This is an explanation on how "magic" can exist in the real world in terms of applied physics. All this means is someone uses their own internal essence with essences in their surroundings to create magic. However, unlike most humans, their powers will not work if the user does not believe they will work. That is they might project a fireball hot enough to melt lead, but if they don't believe they can burn a leaf. Their powers won't do any damage to leaves or trees despite being able to melt everything around it. A prominent example of this was in an experiment where an esper was asked to burn a bottle of water. A bottle of oil was placed in front of the esper. Though the esper produced a fire that melted straight through several sheets of steel. The bottle of oil itself remained unharmed because he believed it contained water and knew that water could not burn. Once told of the contents of the bottle, the bottle was incinerated instantly. It has also been noted that the weaknesses derived from using essences in this manner are similar to blood magic. Extended use of abilities past its user’s limits in increasing severity are nausea, fatigue, memory loss, loss of motor skills, multiple organ failure, and eventually death. However, these symptoms are not by blood loss, but by damage to the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum, and medulla oblongata by prolonged use of their internal essences. In terms of mortality, espers are far more likely to kill themselves using their powers compared to blood mages as their drawbacks are not as visibly noticeable. It is speculated no more than 50 individuals manipulate essences in this unique manner. [Power] Godless Creation “The Transient Illusion” The ability to materialize electricity into solid objects by arranging positive and negatively charged particles into a physical structure. It goes beyond the common conventions of physics in that the user’s essence is used as the focus point of the object, acting like a glue that allows charged particles to bind together. Objects created from this ability are stable and won’t shock the user since all charged particles cancel out. However, these objects will have the affinity of “light” and “electricity” and “magnetism” and break easily when confronted with powerful versions of those forces. This same affinity also allows the reverse to be true. In that these objects also cancel or distort abilities that use light, electricity, and magnetism. As a light based essence, this ability also allows the user to manipulate the visual appearance of any object they create, making them look identical to the real objects they may imitate. [Skill] Close Quarter Combat Brysen is proficient in hand-to-hand combat and submission techniques. His competency is high due to his accumulated experience from the protection services he offers to criminals. While he does not have the level of skill to dodge punches on whim, Brysen has an unusually good depth perception and lateral movement. It is often remarked that trying to hit him is like trying to hit a piece of paper dangling in the air. Swing too wide or too slow and he can avoid you entirely for the next 80 punches. His preferred fighting style is an unknown open palm martial art of eastern descent. His partner, Judgement, has surmised it is a hybrid of Ba Gua Zhang(Grappling), Silat(Breaking Joints), Duan Quan(Quick Low Close Range Movement), and Hung Ga(Medium Range Combat). Brysen is a cautious and analytical fighter by nature. He tests his opponents, find’s their weaknesses, and disposes of them using minimal energy. His weapon expertise consists of handguns, swords, knives, daggers, and staffs. [b]Equipment:[/b] Glock 22 Kevlar Vest Swordstick Fairbarin-Sykes fighting knife [b]Personality:[/b] Will Show IC [b]Biography[/b] Before the destruction of the Hell’s Gate, Brysen was an orphan at a catholic orphanage in downtown New York. He was a bright and loving sociable young boy who liked playing soccer and basketball. When Hell’s Gate was destroyed, Brysen fled New York with his sister, two of his friends, and his caretaker, a catholic priest. Several weeks later, the group finds themselves in a barren wasteland in Philadelphia. Despondent, the priest asks the children to pray for salvation, thinking they would all soon be dead. He refuses to let the children leave as night falls and kills Brysen’s friends in a fit of rage as they attempt to leave. Terrified, Brysen continues to pray until his sister collapses from hypothermia. Desperate, he too attempts to leave to find her shelter and is left beaten to a near death state. Remarking that god would soon save him, the priest then leaves Brysen and his sister, and disappears into the night. Cold, shocked, and dying. Brysen’s final wishes were to have the strength to save his sister. That if god was not willing to give him miracles, that at the very end that he could somehow make miracles of his own. Light coalesces in his small hands, forming a bright tiny sword. It glows with warm light. Brysen coughs blood, but somehow strength finds itself in his legs and he crawls to his sister. The sword becomes a blanket and the two sleep under its warmth for the rest of the night. In the morning, his sister has disappeared. Footprints leading off to the distance. Brysen tries to follow the tracks, but never finds her. He arrives in Kenan 5 years later. Still looking for any clue that she is still alive. He currently works as an administrative assistant for the district 13 police force and fights crime at night as the masked vigilante “The Laughing Man”. It is not known that Brysen possesses any supernatural abilities since Brysen has never used his ability in front of people. His identity as “The Laughing Man” also remains a mystery to the higher officials of Kenan.[/hider]