[i]As Parasite walks into the bridge, Dreveden and the Captain seem to be having an argument (Something to do with cheese). Obviously, The Captain is doing most of the talking here, but Dreveden puts in a word every once and a while. As Parasite approaches, the Ah’Kier puts up a hand, gesturing for him not to even start talking. He fishes something out of his pack with his other hand, and throws it to him. It’s the badge to indicate he’s a sergeant. He shushes The Captain, who doesn’t look particularly happy about it.[/i] “Go get some sleep, there’s a debrief later this morning and it’d be better if you were wide awake for it.” [i]He turns and walks out, giving Parasite some breadth. The Captain looks absolutely pissed that he was blown off, and goes to angrily ordering people around. Along with the badge the Avian had thrown, there’s a map of the entire ship. --- A short time after most of the crew finishes breakfast (And just as Felith is opening the door to the cannon.) an announcement comes over the loudspeakers all across the ship.[/i] “Away Team A report to the bridge. Repeat, Away Team A to the bridge.” [i]The speaker would obviously be the captain, and after a moment, he then adds something else.[/i] “Dressed.” [i]There’s then a loud cut-off sound as the announcement ends.[/i]