Xerox wasn't a morning riser. He would often get kicked from his bed from the guards. This had been getting worse recently, since he got to sleep much later than usual due to always being watched by at least 3 guards or even more. It had been about a month since he was thrown into Purgatory, with this bracelet. He had the basic understanding that the bracelet, which read level 5, meant they thought his evolution was dangerous. He could not extract much information before his capture, only that he was most likely of the new species Homo Evoludas and they were being captured by fear of the Government. Being pushed into the dining hall for breakfast, Xerox groggily collapsed into his chair. He called it his chair, but there were no allocated seats, he simply chose to sit there everyday. With his breakfast in front of him, he waited for the only friend he had made in Purgatory so far. Kat. Although they did not talk much, they did help each other with things. It seems she did not completely trust him yet though. He could deal with this later. They were going to be in here for quite a long time, he thought. Better to get along, he thought as he turned his head to scan the area for Kat.