Ryan knew he was a good man. But it was hard for him to admit it to himself. Ryan has done good in his life, however he has done bad. Ryan has brought life into this world, but he has also taken life out of this world. He has protected people, but taken someone away from someone who loves them. Ryan has always had this conflict within himself. Is he good, or is he bad. His powers can do such harm to people, but good in the same light. Ryan could tear a man apart, or force a bleeding wound to shut. These actions and his powers have given him two nick names in his life. The Puppet Master, and the Body Demon. He thought this, but stopped when Reagan spoke. "I'm a little on the cool side, that's how I prefer it. But you do seem a bit warm." He said. Ryan noticed she was sweating and touched her arm. It was extremely warm. He looked back for a second and then smiled. "Maybe it's your powers coming through. The first time they come out are when you are in an intense emotional situation.Maybe your powers are fire based. Pure fire, lightning, lava, heat waves, electricity. Anything could happen. But who knows. Maybe you are just warm because you're laying here in bed with me. I know your nervous about it. Maybe this is your time to come out. Or maybe you are just a little too nervous about this. If you want me too I can sleep on the couch.: Said Ryan as he pointed to the couch in the center of the room. Ryan looked at her and smiled. She looked flushed and very warm. Ryan turned and got out of bed. "I'll be back. I'll get you a cool rag", said Ryan as he walked into the bathroom. The sound of running water came from the bathroom and Ryan reached into a cabinet to grab a rag.