Dairanger feels a little bit like cheating to me, since the mecha from that were used for the second series of Power Rangers. XD But I dunno, it has some pretty cool themes to it, so maybe. ...I think the main reason I suggested the [url=http://powerrangers.wikia.com/wiki/Category:D%C5%8Dbutsu_Sentai_Go-Busters]alternative Go-Busters[/url] and Dinosamba is because they have a good amount of rangers and it means it's easy for everyone to choose a colour they like, but... My mind works in weird ways. As for the music idea... I think in most basic terms it would be that each ranger is based upon a genre of music (for example, Red Rock, Pink Pop, Black Metal, etc.), their weapons are based on musical instruments and... I'm not sure what the mecha would be like right now, but yeah. Hmmm...