STORY: The world of Enchantia is in-danger.Many strong evil bosses had ruled some parts of the Enchantia.Now, you "Hero" and the other heroes will save Enchantia. This RP is like Mario Party DS. MAPS: Sorry if mine looks bad. Blue - safe place Red - Enemy encounter Green- Random Event Black - End(w/ Boss Encounter) [hider= Enchanted Forest(By: TheRpgGamer)] [img][/img][/hider] More Maps Coming Soon! submit yours if you have and you will be credited [hider= CS PREVIEW] Name: Class:(Warrior,Mage,Archer,Palladin) Appearance: --- [b]STATS[/b](you have 15 points to spend to add it to the BASE STATS) ATK- 5 DEF- 5 ACC- 5 SPD- 5 INT- 5 --- [b]INVENTORY[/b] 1000 Gold Sword if Warrior Staff if Mage Bow if Archer Long Sword if Palladin[/hider] Game Modes: Party - Normal game mode can neither be single-player or multiplayer.the one who slayed the boss wins Slay till' you die - a multiplayer game mode that is focused on slaying monsters as many as you can until you die.The one who slain many monsters win.Healing is not allowed Save the Princess - the game mode is like Party but the one who saved the princess first wins.