Okay, I'm here, I'm keeping up... sort of... not really. When I said it's late before, it's [i]really friggen late[/i] now. I'll get to everything in the morning. Romano, I owe you a PM detailing countermeasures against Russian guy and smoke woman devil thing. Six, I was particularly impressed with your CS and you can consider yourself accepted until further notice (read the backstory and all, didn't get an in-depth look at the sheet). Confuzzler, what's BPRD (I hope to God that's in the right order, I'm not taking the effort to scroll up again)? Tatsu, yep, it was one of those two. I think you were in one of the [i]Still Mortal[/i] reboots I ran with TwistedShadow. Neriender, I could probably think of something, like a dedicated extraction/infiltration transport, fire support when shit hit the fan, active aerial surveillance, or bombing runs on a failed mission. Might be able to work it in, but it would help to broaden what you mean by "pilot" and possibly give the character a few other strengths to draw on. If I forgot anyone, I'll get back to you. The IC will definitely be up by Saturday, but tomorrow is National Get-Fucked-Up Day... otherwise known as Friday for you boring folk. Peace out and good night.