[hider=Ella]Name: Ella Hazel Carter Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Ella is a rather average looking girl and doesn't have any features that would bring much attention to her, to be honest. She is also considered quite pale and it's often very easy for her to get sunburned if she forgets to put on sunscreen. She's also a rather petite girl, standing at only 5"4', and doesn't look like she could do much damage to anyone, which is true in the physical manner but in the verbal manner people find out the truth the minute she opens her pale pink lips to say something. Her eyes are a bright blue color that often seem to be calculating something or, if they don't appear to be calculating, they'll seem as though they are distant and far-off, like she isn't really hearing or seeing what is around her, but whatever she is seeing in her imagination. Ella doesn't really wear a lot of face make-up except for maybe a bit of mascara and lip-gloss, that is, unless it's a special occasion of some sort and then she'll wear a bit more than usual. Ella also has a light field of freckles that dot from one cheek, across her nose, all the way to the other. Ella tends to dress casually in general, simply wearing a pair of nicer jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt along with a long sleeved jacket that's likely from some kind of company like Hollister or Aeropostile. Her foot-wear is normally just as simple, wearing simple tennis shoes or flats that can vary in color depending on her outfit, although when she wears flats, they are generally either black or white. The only time that her wardrobe will change from this casual base is when she has to go somewhere for a special occasion, such as going out to eat at a fancy restaurant or, for a more recent example, at a graduation party. Personality: Ella is a very intelligent, kind young lady. She's always looking to help out where she can, although sometimes this can lead to her giving herself unrealistic expectations about how much work she should be able to do. Because of the fact she tends to expect too much of herself, she can get frustrated with herself easily, even if she is generally calm around other people. She also tends to trust people much too easily, although this is most likely due to the fact that she tries to express her kindness by helping other people and trying to be there for them when they need her the most. Another thing about Ella is that she's a very bad liar, which could be seen as a good thing or a bad thing depending if you're the kind of person who enjoys deceiving others and pulling pranks or if you're the sort of person that believes that lying is a very wrong thing to do and that it shouldn't be done, unless it is the complete last resort and there is no other option as to how you could possibly fix the problem. Ella is a very kind person but she tends to be a little overbearing in her attempt to help others and can sometimes annoy them unknowingly. Ella is also very intelligent when it comes to books and memorizing information, although, as you may or may not have noticed before, she doesn't have an awful large amount of common sense all the time. She is also a very creative person and enjoys painting, singing, and writing. She also enjoys to read, which is probably why her vocabulary and creativity skills seem to be better than most of her other skills, not that she doesn't have others, of course. Ella is also a very modest person and normally doesn't take credit for everything she does unless she finds it absolutely necessary in their current situation, which isn't all that often, unless you could school projects as she has to take credit for those otherwise she wouldn't get a grade and she would fail the class. While we're on the subject of failure, Ella doesn't take it well. While she is a modest person, she doesn't enjoy failing, especially when it comes to academics. So, because of her 'fear' of failure, she started to work as hard as she could at the things that she believed were the most important so she would be sure to get a grade that she was pleased with and if she didn't get the grade she wanted, she would do everything in her power to learn from her mistake and realize what was wrong before getting to an exam and being completely lost at the same questions as before. Relationship with Parent/Guardian: Ella was very close to her mother, as she didn't really have a father figure because she's never met him before. Ella and her mother are a lot like best friends and the both of them tell each other everything, even things that some girls feel is uncomfortable to talk about with their moms (or dads for that matter). She was only ever shown kindness from the one parent that she did know and, as far as she could tell from her mother's stories, her father was also a kind man so it only made sense for her to show kindness to people as she had been taught by her mother. Brief Biography: Honestly, Ella's life was pretty average except for the fact that she didn't know her father, although by all the stories her mother has told her, she believes that she does, in fact, know him at this point. Her mother told her that just a bit after it was announced that she was pregnant, her father was diagnosed with stage four cancer in several parts of his body, including his lungs and bronchial tubes. Immediately after receiving the diagnosis, they were told it was unlikely that it could be cured and he had approximately two months to live. As the doctors predicted, he died two months later; seven months before he would ever be able to meet Ella. Of course, before he passed away they had talked about baby names and his favorite had always been Ella but her mother insisted on Evelyn. In the end, her father's choice won out. However, her mother didn't focus on this part of the man she would have called 'dad'. She always told Ella that she never wanted him to be remembered as the poor man who's life was taken by cancer. She wanted him to be remembered for who he was; not for his diagnosis. So, because of that her mother told her stories before he was diagnosed; how funny and loyal and compassionate he was and that was always enough for Ella. So, as you may have been able to tell by now, her life was normal enough; nothing special about her that would make her stand out in a crowd and no awful secrets that would turn heads if they were ever put out to the public. Her mother was a nurse and she had all of her plans set for what would happen for the rest of her life. She would go to medical school and take up the same profession as her mother so she would get the opportunity to help others every day as long as she was at work and she had no intention of those plans being ruined at any time. Number: Five Virtue: Kindness[/hider] Edit: This is now finished! :D