Birdie had never enjoyed being stuck as the chauffeur, it was just a little less than exciting. But it was part of the mission, and the mission was the most important thing. Especially if the mission's targets were terrorists; it could mean life or death for a good amount of people, should the mission be a success or a failure. Nine out of ten the missions were a success, but nevertheless, something could always go wrong. Which was why they had to keep everyone where they were supposed to be. "We always have a good escape route. It's like you don't trust me." Birdie mumbled, sounding disappointed and putting her feet onto the dashboard. She typed away on her computer quickly, lighting up a few of the computers which were set up in their vehicle. "Wired in to all the building's security cameras. Just in case anyone catches on. And in case you need a new escape plan. Have any of you gotten visual on who we're lookin' for yet?" She glanced at one of the security cameras facing to the main room.