"Pretty much the same reason that you are here," Aerrea answered Keytan while sitting down on the pointed chair and shouting her order to the nearest waiter. She then took out a piece of paper, colored black and with a broken white seal, the unmistakable mark of the three Masters of Information in Yaes Numir Seyur and flashed it in front of Keytan, pointing to her true mission, information gathering, while saying: "Well I don't know much about this town so I wouldn't know but since it is Alagorian I don't doubt that have a terma (bathhouse) somewhere inside the city walls. After we finish eating I guess that we should head there, as an Alagorian saying goes: "A good journey starts in a terma and ends in a terma." Hopefully a dip in an bath will bring us good luck on the journey." Her order, a simple meal of bread, milk and hard-boiled eggs arrived and after putting the letter back into her coat she proceeded to eat it while waiting for someone to go on with the talk. "There is a weird demoniacal aura nearby, be careful" Immes warned her via telepathy, a magic that was used commonly all over the world and was easy to detect by anyone with even a hint of magical training and talent.