Anna was watching as the ships came in and the crowds from all over came to celebrate the Festival of the Summer. She herself had set about helping with some preparations along with the castle staff. "This festival is going to be the best. I wonder if I will meet anyone special..." She said. However one thing was bothering her. Her sister Elsa had insisted she wanted no part in the festivities. While Anna understood her reasons it would have been nice if she and Elsa could have some bonding time which was rare or next to not happening. Sighing she walked outside. Queen Elsa was in the throne room where she watched from the window. There were so many people which ment she would have to work on controlling her secret. She felt it would only cause more problems and hurt someone. She really wanted to meet the guests but her fear was keeping her from going out into the kingdom. Elsa closed her eyes and began to try calming herself down.