Birth Name: Jamie Shambrook Assigned Name: Jade Bowen Age: 30 Attached Photo: Standing at 5'7', Jamie is of slender build. She has long auburn hair that falls just below her bust, with layers cut in. Her hair is naturally wavy, but she straightens it most mornings, Light blue eyes stand out as part of her heart shaped face. Fair skinned, the sunlight is her worst enemy, and she makes sure to always use a decent sunscreen. For a redhead, she lacks in freckles. She has a tattoo of an anchor on her left wrist, in honour of her brother who is in the Navy. [img][/img] Psychological Profile: Growing up with an older brother, Jamie has always been treated like one of the boys, and as a result can be quite loud and loutish. She thrives on banter, however people who aren't familiar with her personality can sometimes take insult to comments she meant purely in jest. The last thing she means is to offend someone, but it doesn't always pan out that way. Fiercely loyal, Jamie always has her team's back and is the first to step in if someone was being treated unfairly. This stems from being bullied at school for being a ginger. Medical History: Jamie had her appendix out at age 14, and broke her arm as a six year old after she fell from a plum tree. Aside from that, she prides herself in keeping fit and healthy, and living a healthy lifestyle, though prefers to exercise on her own terms, and doesnt see how her girlfriend can get pleasure from running for "fun". Technical Proficiency: Forensic Science. After graduating from high school, Jamie studied Forensic Science at Pennsylvania State University, and after graduating joined the Charleston Police, for her father who was once Police Chief, but was killed in action when Jamie was 10. History With the PCMC: Jamie has been with the PCMC for 3 years. While at first unsure of joining, it was soon made apparent the correct decision was made after she and a colleague went undercover, posing as a married couple to investigate a monster terrorising a gated community. In her opinion, she thought she did well in successfully posing as a straight married woman, while in reality she's a lesbian. Prior History: Jamie's father was the Police Chief. A doting father, Jamie was the apple of his eye. He was killed on duty when Jamie was 10, in a drug bust gone horribly wrong. She vowed to become a policewoman just like her daddy when she grew up, and followed through. Even though she did it for her father, Jamie know it was the right decision. After studying Forensic Science at Penn State, she quickly joined the police in her old hometown of Charleston, working alongside the men who snuck her doughnuts as a little girl. Once there, she soon established herself as a strong member of the force. Her kind demeanour made it easy for her to obtain information she needed, yet she didn't take any crap from those who didn't deserve to give it to her. Her undercover skills were a standout, with Jamie's ability to push personal opinion aside to play the role she needed to in order to make the arrest. Jamie is currently in a relationship, with Lily, a shy girl she loves dearly. In order not to scare the timid girl, Jamie hides her line of work from her girlfriend, not wanting her to be afraid of the entities she comes across on a frequent basis. Jamie is content with her girlfriend assuming she is an undercover cop. Unbeknownst to Jamie, her girlfriend is harbouring a secret of her own. One of the very beings the PCMC is aware of, Lily is a mermaid.