She was stunned, shocked at what she was hearing, so these spiders could talk which under any other circumstances would be seen as a great blessing and their great worth, but then they shouted upon seeing the two Drow to slay them, to slay her... especially her it seems when they seemed to recognize her for a priestess of Lollth. She hissed through her teeth in quiet rage as the realization dawned on her that these spiders meant to kill and devour her. If she was found wanting by her goddess and had to walk into the spider pitts back home to be executed and atone for her sins that way she would do so gladly, but since these spiders seemed to hate her kind and wanted to slay her and that heretical male outright she just felt rage. These were not avatars or aspects of her goddess's favour, these were spiders warped and twisted by some enemy of the Drow. Most likely that Ilithid she suspected dwelled within these this tomb. What was interesting though was one part of their exclamation upon seeing herself and the necromancer, 'Pound the Slavers into ichor.' Were these spiders or who or whatever they served enslaved by her kind once? Something to consider while she brandished her dagger with a growl. She almost had been ignoring the pitiful appearance of the necromancer but then some of his words reached her, more of those spiders were climbing up!? She walked to the edge of the bridge, looking down and widened her eyes as she saw the rapidly ascending spiders, who were a bit too eager it seems to rend the flesh from her bones. Snarling she stashed the dagger quickly away and raised her hands, murmuring a prayer to her goddess and as she felt the magic of her goddess course through her, molding it into the spell and magic she wanted it to be she hissed in pain as she felt her hands burn with pain from the heat, looking down and focusing her sight on the spiders as looking at the magic she was summoning was too painful for her, with her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the world below the surface. "Let's see if you like this..." She hissed and then flung her arms and hands down, as if throwing a object against the side of the pillar, the magic orb of light quickly descending towards the spiders with the intent to blind and confuse them, perhaps even burn them if they had a very averse reaction to the light.