As the simulation flickered out, Emmett exhaled deeply, his breath fogging up the visor. [i]Holy shit.[/i] He actually did it. He was a Ranger now. Well, technically, at least. He still needed to be assigned to a Jaeger, but that wasn't even on his mind. All he knew was that he passed the simulation. Truth be told, it was pretty surreal. He'd seen Jaeger pilots take down Kaijus against impossible odds on TV, and now, he was going to be one of them? On barely his second day here, no less. It was utterly unreal. All of a sudden, Emmett was startled out of his daze by Mako Mori's voice echoing through from the intercom. He barely heard her, though, the adrenaline from the fight still hadn't quite worn off, and the sound of blood pounding in his ears drowned out all other noises. He did, however, catch enough of what Mako said to realise that he was going to pay a visit to his assigned Jaeger. Nodding in reply (there were cameras in here, right?), the robotic arms of the Conn-Pod started dismantling the outer shell of his Drivesuit. The high-pitched whining of pneumatics signalled the feet plates' release mechanisms activating, and Emmett soon exited the metal chamber. Walking out, Emmett could barely keep the shit-eating grin off his face. The high from winning the simulated battle remained a buzzing sensation permeating his entire body, and he had to dig his nails into his palm to keep himself tethered to the situation at hand. He knew he couldn't let this get to his head, though. This was just a simulation, albeit a hyper-realistic one, and fighting Kaijus in the real world was ought to be a lot tougher and unpredictable. He made his way over to where Mako was, containing his smile the best he could so he didn't look like a complete psycho. "Well, Ms. Mori? Lead the way."