To answer her question about the center of the disaster he turned himself to the right, raising his arm to point towards the most devastated zone. The ground was almost completely glassed there, and the enormous shards of metal left behind by the giant beast were still smoldering with weak flames. In the distance something caught the titan's eye. It was atop the enormous metal scrap that was once the enormous death machine piloted by Edmund, it was a much smaller metal construct. The titan's head ripped open into what could be considered a parallel to a scowl, there were more of them. Ysolda would have to wait, Erde's job had only just started apparently. This one was not going to escape, not on Erde's watch. Erde turned to face Ysolda and pointed to her. "Do not follow me." With that he turned himself around, Erde was in no mood to deal with this. He didn't even bother to be showy with his travel, the ground simply moved under his feet. Erde's featureless form sliding across the earth in an unnatural fashion, his arms at his sides and legs only barely parted. The titan was going to demand information from this one. If it decided to ignore him, he would destroy it. Quickly approaching the new machine he did not rise to meet its eye, the last opponent taller than his stock form that he rose to meet destroyed his mask and almost his core. When he was only a dozen yards away from the metal creature he stopped, staring into the metal frame. Erde adjusted himself into a more natural standing position, and began to speak. "Metal giant, you are the second to appear here. I demand you tell me who you are. I demand you tell me what you know of the last giant who appeared here. Lastly, I demand you leave once you have given me this information."