Pro was relieved when the young woman caught on immediately, but despaired at the continued running. Uphill, no less. Still, he knew what was behind, and did not see any reason short of death to stop again. He ignored the rest of his body's assertion that he need not move so quickly, and pulled on stamina he'd not needed for years. Despite this, his new, roped-in associate got ahead of him in the climb, and Pro worried that he might lose sight of her in the dark. Eventually though, the ex-slave caught up to this compatriot, even as she beckoned him into a hideaway. Without any special acknowledgement, Pro bolted past her, tumbling into the cave unceremoniously, and laying on his back once he'd passed what would necessarily be the door's arc. He breathed heavily, despite the need for secrecy. The taste of blood was in his throat, and he could see his heart beating through his stomach and the rags that covered it. That was odd, he realized, after a moment, before it hit him: there was light coming from the cave's interior. Given the nature of smoke, and how previous smokeless fuel was, Pro realized there must have been someone in the cave at that moment. He wasn't concerned with that, given the alternative. "Thanks," he finally managed to get out, after the door had been closed. "They... didn't like... that collar trick...." His body spent a moment more circulating air, before adding "Need a name for that one...." He continued panting, though he managed to filter it through his nose, which quieted the process somewhat.