Oh, sorry to hear that =< Have a fun time role-playing on the site! May our paths cross again! =3 Also, everyone, it has come to my attention that I must point something out once more. First of all, do not spare me information on the character sheets. Those sheets prove to me how good you are in writing and if I would even want you in the role-play to begin with. I would like to see some paragraphs, some guarantee you won't be pulling one or three liners on me when we start. Secondly, this is an explanation regarding weapons in the game. I hope it makes sense to you. I regret not having cleared this out, but it just recently came into my view. [hider=Weapons]There are two possible ways to posses a weapon. Weapons can be summoned through summoning skills. Their purpose is to only create the object in the hands of the person, who has activated the skill, and may maintain it for a specific time period, which must be mentioned in the skill's description. After the time has run out, the skill is disabled, in order to cool down before it can be used again. It should be noted that if you only possess a summoning skill, the power of the attacks whilst using the materialized weapon will solely depend on your stats, yet such is not always the case. For instance, a sword may be used for cutting, yet if a gun or other firearm is summoned, you would only be in possession of the object and not of ammunition. Such abilities fall under the summoning nature, which in turn belongs to the physical type. They require Strength and sometimes Agility. While they may only create the weapon, these skills can be used together with other specific skills, which require a certain kind of weapon. If you use a summoning skill and a minimum of two specific skills for the summoned item, you will gain a special combo, which in turn will lead to rewards. The combo points can increase with each slash and with each additional skill you use. At the end of the battle, your combos are summed up and you will be given something for your troubles. The second manner, with which one can create weapons at their disposal, is through skills, which briefly call forth the object. Such a skill is "Blowback Shot" that is possessed by Victoria. It may summon a weapon for a short amount of time only for the purpose of performing an attack. While combos may still be created through multiple attacks, the user will not have the chance to use skills, which require the materialized item, thus not being able to create a special combo. The flip side of this is shown in the example I have given. Victoria's skill allows her to summon more than one kind of weapon, thus granting her the opportunity to surprise her attacker and to have advantage in a greater variety of situations. In addition it should be mentioned that if she had a gun summoning skill, she would have been rendered more or less defenseless and utterly dependent on her Key, because she wouldn't have been able to fire anything with the gun. To sum this up in a simple manner: 1. Summoning skills: Summoning nature; Physical type; require Strength; only summon the weapon, not the ammunition. 2. Skills, which create items for a short period of time: Usually of a physical nature; require strength; summon both the weapon and ammunition, but their materialization period is shorter. 3. Skills, which require weapons: can not be used without a specific weapon.[/hider] I hope you are all having a wonderful day. =3