Rayn walked down a road towards his home after a day of work. His Motorcycle wasn't working at the moment and walking was better than hitching a ride with someone else. It had been a rough day. He nearly got caught today with his involvement with a band of Airbenders outside of town. He has just finished doctoring the evidence to remove his Involvement. He stopped at an intersection and looked left and right. Having a feeling he decided to take another route, a long way home. By the docks, he enjoyed the sound of he ocean sometimes. He leaned and moved towards his left down towards the docks. ------ Six men stepped out of the shadows with the leader snickering. Slowly they surrounded the pretty water tribe girl all alone. The leader step I front of her and said. " what is a pretty girl like you doing here at this time of night? Don't you know it's dangerous?" He looked her up and down as another said. " she just got off the boat she wouldn't understand Republic City. We better teach her quickly before she gets in any more trouble." The leader nodded and one man slowly snuck up behind her