CS: Name: Aimée Age: 18 Appearance: [hider=][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5m11EYZKdp4/T19OfGvKoVI/AAAAAAAAAGM/ojRZy98sMbs/s1600/beautiful_girl_2.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Aimee is a good girl, she can be a major bitch, a flirt, and even a friend, but all in all she is the living definition of goody-two shoes. She can be risque when she feels like it, she can party when she wants, she can be who she wants too, she acts like the world is her giant oyster. Subjects: Anatomy Physiology Animal Development English Physics ________ Chemistry ________ Biology Drama Choir Social Group: She is placed in the middle of Jocks and Rich kids. Kind of in-between though since she hangs out with some nerds behind closed doors. Bio: She has a long history that she tells absolutely no one about. All I can say for now is that life was rough for her. Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed?: Nope...