[center][b][u]Fire Spell List[/u][/b] [b]Fire[/b]: {[i]Duva[/i]} When cast, an orb of fire appears in the casters hand, it can then be directed to whatever use needed, i.e, lighting a campfire or burning your enemies face off. [i]**Note: Duva is also the magic word for Fire.[/i] [b]Fire Ball[/b]: {[i]Kimse Duva[/i]} A ball of flames is projected from the casters hand, or staff. Where ever it lands, it will surely catch fire. [b]Wall of Flames[/b]: {[i]Duva Aelavero[/i]} The Wall of Flames when cast, provides a magical barrier of fire to protect the caster. The larger the barrier is, the more energy will be consumed, so a barrier of twenty feet in diameter would be very taxing on an adept mage. Keeping it closer to home, around five feet would be less strenuous. [/center]