[center][b][u]Water Spell List[/u][/b][/center] [b]Water[/b]: {[i]Su[/i]} This is the magic word for Water. [b]Water Orb[/b]: {[i]Su Kürei[/i]} Allows the caster to conjure an orb of water from present moisture in the atmosphere. Attempting to create an orb of water in arid places will drain the caster of significant energy. If casting this spell in areas with heavy rainfall, i.e, a tropical forest, near large bodies of water (lakes, rivers, oceans etc.) will be far less taxing on the caster due to the amount of moisture readily available in the air. [b]Boil Water[/b]: {[i]Su Kaynatín[/i]} This spell brings water to a boil by increasing the temperature. Particularly useful for those mages that are too lazy to cook for themselves. The larger the amount of water needed to boil, the more energy is required. [b]Cool/Chill[/b]: {[i]Soğuk[/i]} Lowering the temperature on items can be useful. If one suffers from burns, this spell can serve as an effective healing spell, as it will cool the heat from the burn, and reduce pain. Not only is this a beneficial healing spell; this spell can be used for keeping produce, meats, and other food items fresher by lowering the core temperature.