[center][b][u]Physical Spell List[/u][/b][/center] ♠♠[b]Ward of Warning[/b]: {[i]Alakal du Kohruma[/i]}: Caster will notice if someone passed into the warded area or disturb the ward in general. ♠♠[b]Ward of Inconspicuousness[/b]: {[i]Alakal du Supíhé[/i]}: Warded area will be hidden or difficult to notice. Will (hopefully) cause people to just not notice the warded area. Depends on how powerfull and how skillfully executed the ward is. With a weaker one, people would still notice if they stumbled into it by mistake (say if it is placed around a camp and someone walks into it by chance). A more powerfull one would likely disorient the passer to walk another way. Example: doors that are there but noone thinks about or really notices. Fey-homes that people just don't reach are a pretty powerfull variety. ♠♠[b]Ward Barrier[/b]: {[i]Kohruma[/i]}: The ward will be difficult to penetrate. Most efficiently used on doors as something of a magical lock. Might require password or similar. Would require a great deal of power, probably more than one spellcaster, to put over a larger area (like a forcefield). ♠♠[b]Ward against _____[/b]: {[i]Karsí Kohruma[/i]}: Wards mostly used against something specific, evil magic, undead, fire elementals, your annoying neighbour, whatever. Better to use on areas than Ward Barrier and hurts what tries to pass it. Specifying a ward requires great knowledge about what you are keeping out. Could hurt anyone, including caster, if badly implemented. I imagine these taking some time to put together any varying in strength depending on that too. You can place much more powerful wards on say, your home where you can work on them constantly than on a camp that you soon move from. ♠♠[b]Spellweave[/b]: {[i]Dukoma Sïrhili[/i]}: A spell to weave over yourself or someone you're trying to protect. Not practical to do during a fight, to easy to loose concentration, though it doesn't take as long time as a ward. Not really a force field, so will probably protect against magic and missiles better than direct strikes. Makes target harder to hit, dampens strength of incoming attacks and makes target more resistant to magic. Would vary in effectiveness depending on the skill and power with which it was cast. ♠♠[b]Trace Magic[/b]: {[i]Izlema du Sïrhilan[/i]}: Tracing magic is hard to do for casters that have not practiced long in the magic field, over time, casters become sensitive to magic present. Casting the tracing magic spell will allow the user to detect magic present, or magic that once was present. Only powerful, or dark magic is detectable in an area after an extended period of time, it leaves behind an imprint in the atmosphere. ♦♦[b]Force Barrier[/b]: {[i]Kuvvet Duva[/i]}: A barrier that is erected, and from the control of the caster, it can force anything out of the way. The larger the object, the more energy required. It also serves as a protective barrier that encompasses the caster and selected others. ♦♦[b]Mend Flesh Wounds[/b]: {[i]Kirík cïlt ïyileşmék[/i]}: Upon casting the spell, the energy from the caster is felt almost immediately if the flesh wounds cover a large portion on the body. Healing wounds of any type is particularly exhausting upon any caster, so keep in mind when casting this spell. ♦♦[b]Repair Muscle Damage[/b]: { }: This spell, a sister spell of Mend Flesh Wounds, is an advanced version of the healing spell. This spell focuses on muscle damage, meaning that your muscles will heal, but if the skin is broken and you are bleeding, there will be no healing of those wounds. [b][u]Legend[/u][/b] ♠♠ - Created by Tzarima ♦♦ - Created by MacabreFox