"You punks don't know what you're getting yourselves intoooo!" Screamed Shrapnel before he expanded explosively, directing his energy at Fenrir and his pack. The wolfman was confident in his ability to weather the storm of the malevolent, metal man's fury, but he wasn't so sure all his allies could. Perhaps he hadn't been present for all of the group's training exercises but he was part wolf, and in a wolf pack you had to look out for each other. He bounded quickly in Bast's direction, intending to take the brunt Shrapnel's attack for her. He did this without thinking. If he had spared a thought perhaps he wouldn't have been so quick to act, as Bast allowed her insolent cat to spit and hiss at Fenrir every time he passed, and this infuriated the wolfman. There would be a reckoning for that cat. Still, Bast was his pack and the defence of her was instinctive for him. Several splinters of metal exploded into Fenrir's chest and belly, snatching a squeal of pain from the metahuman's lips. The blast was more powerful than he imagined it would have been, and more painful, even if his regenerative powers would heal the wounds in minutes. He was momentarily embarrassed at his weakness, but that embarrassment gave way to rage quickly. He was the alpha here, and he would not allow a glorified tin can to cow him in front of his pack. He dropped to all fours and with inhuman speedloped towards Shrapnel. The metal man towered over Fenrir now but that was hardly going to slow the feral hero now that he was within a striking distance. Shrapnel had finally noticed him coming , but it was too late to do anything about it. Fenrir lunged at the villain, powerful back legs rocketing him towards Shrapnel's head. The metallic madman tried to get his arm up and get another blast off into the wolfs midsection but at this point Fenrir's forward momentum was too great to stop, so all Shrapnel managed to do was get his arm tangled up between the two as they both fell to the ground in a heap of flailing arms and legs.