"Gwen, its alright, I'm used to..." He trailed off when he heard Tim's voice question Gwen's comment to help Peter out... now it seemed that it was going to do the exact opposite. He could easily punch Tim in the jaw and knock him out cold. He could easily dodge his grab and smack him across the head. His spider senses were going crazy than usual, but he ignored them, giving Gwen a look saying that he had to take a hit... But he was not expecting to have the wind knocked out of him. Tim was strong, but not strong enough to create a huge dent in the lockers. When Gwen tried to help and got smacked, Peter yelled in rage. Tim ran off. He could have caught him. He could have made him pay... Gwen was more important now. He rushed over to her, kneeling next to her body. "Gwen...! Gwen, are you okay? What hurts? Hey! Someone help!" Peter called out in a frenzy, so afraid of what happened to her... Tim seemed afraid that he hurt her... said that he needed to find "her"... whose "her"? Spider-Man will take to the streets tonight when he knew Gwen was safe.