[quote=Caramelcorn] Name: Nefyn (has taken name of the town where she grew up and that she believes to be the sole survivor of) Age: 24 Appearance: Scrawny young woman with thin brown hair, mouselike facial features and expressions (in a realistic sense; some people are described like that) Previous Occupation: Was a preteen before apocalypse, obviously, so no job Nationality: Nefyn, Wales Personality: Was timid as a preteen before apocalypse, has grown more confident as she lives on while others haven't, but still has an intense fear for armed men that have come to raid her camp in the past. Skills: Grew up in a farming community and has knowledge of how to grow crops and raise sheep. Weapons/Items: [b][u]Shovel, sheep shears. Does not possess any real combat skills[/u][/b]* Bio: When the apocalypse first struck, she knew the only way to survive would be to isolate herself, so she made a run for it from her home town, which was being ravaged by the disease. Knowing that in the 5th century, the Welsh people survived the Anglo-Saxon invasion by holing up in the mountains, she made her way to Snowdonia National Park, where she encountered a male Lebanese immigrant, who took pity on her. She managed to convince him that their only hope for survival was to start growing food in a protected and isolated mountain valley, so they attempt to grow peas and potatoes in a hill farm (that actually exists, I have it marked on Google Earth for reference) on the side of the mountain Yr Aran. After a few incidents of near-starvation due to a lack of real farming experience, they manage to establish a good enough food supply after two years that they expand into sheep to raise for milk and meat. [b][u]Aside from a few incidents involving people coming to raid them[/u][/b]*, Nefyn and Maarad have been largely isolated from everything that has happened since the apocalypse struck, and their crops and livestock have fortunately managed to [b][u]avoid the blight that killed off Mr_pink's character's farm[/u][/b]** due to the isolation of Snowdonia (But that will obviously change soon in order to have a plot happen...) Other: Her partner on the farm is a Lebanese immigrant going only by the name Maarad, who is ten years older than her. He may have a short life span, so I'll spare you from another bio.Good enough? [/quote] *How did she survive with no combat skills when the raiders came? It's been eleven years since the outbreak, surely she would have gained some combat experience. Even with another person there would have been several individuals with weapons ** She wouldn't know about mr. pink's character since he was in Russia at the time, if you were saying this from an out of universe perspective then just change it to "managed to avoid the blight that killed off other farmers."