Kyle moved opening the door and sheathing down the hallway putting out the torches or tapping the stones that light the hall. reaching the master's cambers Kyle looked at the closed door.Pulling out his lock picks he deftly unlocked the door. Before he opened it he focused calling on the ether to enhance his hearing. Breathing someone was in there . Not wanting to kill a maid by accident. Kyle pulled it open a crack. Moving up the wall in a jump. Kyle propped himself between the wall and the ceiling the elaborate crown molding giving him a ideal hand hold.Than pulling the shadows around himself. Kyle raided the hand cross bow so that he could get a line on anyone coming threw the door. Kyle waited like a spider his eyes focused on the door. Tavar fallowed the masked man down into the under city his silver mask catching the light of his torch. As he used the smuggling tunnels Tavar swore as he heard voices nearing dousing his own torch he watched as a merchant and six guards where moving illegal goods threw the tunnels . There cart was pulled by a donkey that looked iltempered like the rest of his kind as bucked kicking the cart.