[center][b]Sarah's Request - Kasim[/b][/center] --- The satisfying crunch of the arrow finding its target filled Kasim's mind for a moment. He knew it was just a creation of his own thoughts, for he couldn't actually hear the sound over the chittering and fighting and whatnot, but it felt good nonetheless. One deadly beast down, only... He tried to take a quick count, but the damned things kept moving around. Lots to go, in any case, and he'd try to take out as many as humanly possible. Kasim pulled another arrow from his quiver and set it to his bowstring, trying to pick out a new target over near Eins when he heard Naream's voice from down on the ground. He wasn't sure how the man had gotten there, as there were no enemies immediately at hand, but the message was rather alarming and required immediate attention. Andrea made for the edge of the pillar and Kasim was only a couple steps behind her. He found it rather amusing that the woman he'd taken to calling 'the spider lady' in his own mind was having to actually fight spiders, but the time for rumination would be later, not when they were still fighting for their lives. Kasim took a moment to get steady footing near the edge of the pillar, a few feet away from where Andrea was throwing some kind of light down at the spiders, and leaned over just enough to be able to fire straight down at the creatures. It was not at all an optimal firing position, so he didn't bother trying to put the full force of his strength into the shots. He instead fired his readied arrow at the nearest spider after taking a moment to aim. Kasim then quickly pulled out a new arrow, took a brief moment to aim, and fired that at another of the creatures. He could only hope that even if they weren't strong enough shots to kill the spider outright, perhaps they might at least knock the damned things down.