(joint post with Mistress Dizzy) [b]Central City[/b] Hellfire had charged Girder from his left, Frostburn from the right, only to get smacked away by the giant man before smashing into a parked, thankfully vacant car. Pain surged through his body, but not as much as it should have. Since his body was now superheated from the use of his powers, Hellfire had melted away some of the car, the now molten metal numbing some of what would have been excruciating pain. "Ouch," he commented, rising up in the air and away from the melted car, before turning to Orbit. "Hey, Orb! You got your blade disks? I can coat them in my fire, then you do the rest. Got it?" Orbit was adeptly deflecting shards of flying metal, and weaving out of the way of those odd playing cards. The toes of her boots skimmed the ground as she hovered around the battlefield. Hellfire's request hit her ears, and she burst off in his direction to aid him. "You okay, Hel'?" Hitting that car had to have hurt. She felt bad that she hadn't been quick enough to slow his impact. She made an odd gesture with her gloves, which summoned her orbs to hang on place around her. A second gesture made the blades inside reveal themselves with an audible ring of metallic noise. Her eyes lit up silvery-white behind her goggles, as she summoned the orbs behind herself and toward Hellfire. "Make it quick, I've got you shielded." A shield of pure psychic force distorted the air around them, enough to keep them safe from Girder. She was hoping, however, that Double Down wouldn't pay her any attention. Those creepy cards of his had torn through Fate's barriers like they hadn't even been there, and she wasn't sure if her psychic shields would fare any better. Hellfire aimed at Orbit's orbs, coating them in his black flames, superheating them, before yelling to Orbit, letting her know that she was good to shoot the ignited orbs at Girder. Ever since their... talk at home base a few days ago, the two friends had become a bit closer- a new layer of trust and understanding had surfaced, and their bond was now even stronger. And with that stronger bond, came stronger teamwork... If only that was the case for the entirety of the team. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Hellfire watched as Orbit unleashed her projectiles onto their opponent. As soon as she got the okay from Hellfire, Orbit unleashed a lot more of her power. The shield dropped away from in front of them, and the bladed orbs around her started picking up momentum in their spinning. She made a lunging motion with her whole body, and her weapons obeyed, flying off at 6 seperate arcs. They hit Girder from 6 seperate directions, all aimed for the metal villan's joints. Hopefully she could weaken the man enough for someone out to do real damage. Orbit grit her teeth slightly, as she felt power flowing out of her. She'd never had to fight so hard in Gotham. Usually there were more opponents, but at a lower level. Handling a group battle was like doing algebra problems for her- it barely required thinking. This, however, was something else altogether. It was complex, and didn't have one immediate answer. More like an experiment in physics. She turned her head, very slightly, to check on Hellfire and make sure he was still standing as well. "We need something! Like... a supermagnet! Gotta restrain this sucker somehow!" She knew that they couldn't do what they'd done before and just punch the bad guy until he stopped moving. They had to get creative. [i]'A supermagnet? Good idea, but... Where would we get one? Could Cyber Knight make one? Is that even possible? Oh, what the hell, we'll figure something out,'[/i] thought Hellfire, before turning to check on how everyone else was going battling Double Down. Then an idea popped into his head. Hellfire remembered that Double Down's cards once pierced Superman's skin. Maybe, if they could get DD to fire in Girder's direction, they could weaken the metal man enough to allow for some time to find or assemble a supermagnet to hold him. Maybe. "Hey, Fate! Ditto! Come over here, I have an idea! Stay on guard!" he called over to them. He then turned to Cyber Knight, Frostburn and Orbit, telling them to come a little closer, but keep their guard up, so he could tell them of his plan. "...It might not work, but I think it's worth a try. Double Down's cards pierced Superman's skin, so they should be able to pierce and weaken Girder as well. Cyber, do you think you could work on the supermagnet Orbit was talking about with her? Ditto, Frostburn, Fate and I will distract DD, get him to fire at Girder. You guys up for it?" Hellfire wasn't sure about his plan, and he sure wasn't certain about his ability to lead the team as his plan unfolded. He didn't think leading was his strong point, not by a long shot. But his plan... he thought that it just might work.